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Dancing Sky Theatre Production History

As of June 2024:
        63 main stage shows.
        3 amphitheatre shows.
        65 are Canadian scripts.
        48 are world premieres.
        13 productions toured.

1  PLAGUE OF INNOCENCE by Noel Greig. (1994, with AIDS Saskatoon.)

2  CHAUTAUQUA (1995, world premiere, collective, tour, with fine arts elementary school.)

3  HEAD A TETE by David Craig and Robert Morgan (1996, toured to schools.)

4  GIFT OF DREAMS ( 1996, world premiere, collective, toured to small rural communities.)

5  BILLY BISHOP GOES TO WAR by John Grey (1997, opened our own space.)

6  SALT-WATER MOON by David French (1998)

7  LIFE AFTER HOCKEY by Ken Brown (1998, toured to Globe Theatre in Regina played as part of their main stage season.)

8  SPITTING SLAG by Mansel Robinson (1998, world premiere, toured to Globe Theatre and 25th Street Theatre, published.)

9  EDDIE GUSTAFSON; NO LUTEFISK FOR CHRISTMAS by Dwayne Brenna (1998, world premiere.)

10  THE SHIPBUILDER by Ken Mitchell (1999)

11  DAYS BY THE RADIO (1999, world premiere, collective creation.)

12  THE BLACK BONSPIEL OF WULLIE MCKRIMMON by W. O. Mitchell (2000, toured to be an official part of The Nokia Briar.)

13  LE SIX by David Baudemont (2000, world premier, co-production with La troup du Jour, published.)

14  BESIDE MYSELF by Jennifer Webber (2000, world premiere, published.)

15  EDDIE GUSTAFSON AND THE WATER SPIRIT OF MISTANASAYO FALLS by Dwayne Brenna (2000, world premiere.)

16  STREET WHEAT by Mansel Robinson (2001, world premiere, pulished.)

17  CHRISTMAS CAROL Canadian adaptation by Blake Heathcote (2001)

18  DOGBARKED by James O’Shea (2002, world premiere, published.)

19  STREET WHEAT by Mansel Robinson (2002, recreated our own show to tour to small rural Saskatchewan Communities.)

20  GIFT OF THE MAGI Canadian adaptation by Blake Heathcote (2002)

21  GOLD ON ICE by Geoff Ursell (2003, world premier, published, toured as the first play invited to the Festival of Words in Moose Jaw.)

22  THE FOURTH WISE MAN (2003, collective creation, world premiere.)

23  MARY’S WEDDING by Stephen Massicotte (2004)

24  TORNADO MAGNET by Darrin Hagen (2004 a drag show created by Darrin, we were the first company to do a production with a female in the lead.)

25  FARMER JOE AND THE MONEY TREES (2005, collective creation, world premiere.)

26  HORSE HIGH, BULL STRONG, PIG TIGHT by Kent Stetson (2005)

27  ALL MY RELATIONS; WAHKOTOWIN (2005, collective creation, world premiere, the official Saskatchewan Centennial Theatre Tour – toured to 59 Saskatchewan communities and was later invited to Ottawa as part of the official celebrations – performed at the Museum of Civilization.)

28  TIZ THE SEASON (2005, collective creation, world premiere.)

29  RANDOM ACTS by Sean Hoy (2006, world premiere.)

30  THE CITY MOUSE AND THE COUNTRY MOUSE (2006, collective creation, world premiere.)

31  THE RED TRUCK by James O’Shea (2007, world premiere.)

32  THE ALCHEMIST (2007, collective creation based on the book by Paulo Coelho, world premiere.)

33  THE SELKIE WIFE by Kelly Jo Burke (2008, world premiere, published.)

34  WEST OF THE 3RD MERIDIAN by Trina Davies (2008, world premiere.)

35  THE SONG SPINNER (2008, collective creation based on the book by Pauline LeBel, world premiere.)

36  THE LAST WINDWALKER by Catherine Harrison (2009, world premiere.)

37  KITCHEN TABLES/ THE FOOD SHOW (2009, collective creation, world premiere, partnership with Organic Connections.)

38  RELECTIONS-THE LITTLE PRINCE (2010, collective creation based on the book be Saint-Exupery, world premiere.)

39  ENCORE by Marc Prescotte (2010)

40  REFLECTIONS- THE LITTE PRINCE (2010 a new production of our own collective that played at Persephone Theatre’s second stage.)

41  IN THE AIR by Rod MacIntyre and Gareth Cook (2011, world premiere, toured to other Saskatchewan centres.)

42  FIRELIGHT by Catherine Harrison (2012, world premiere.)

43  THE 99% AND THE DRAGON (2012, collective creation, world premiere.)

44  SOMEWHERE, SK by Carrie Catherine & Kelley Jo Burke (2013, world premiere.)

45  BAH HUMBUG (2013, collective creation, world premiere.)

46  OPERATION BIG ROCK by Joel Bernbaum (2014, world premiere.)

47  THE HAUNTED MAN (2014, collective creation, world premiere.)

48  THE LUCKY ONES by Kelley Jo Burke (2015, world premiere.)

49  THE PERFECT GIFT  (2015,collective creation, world premiere.)

50 POPCORN ELDER by Curtis Peeteetuce  (2016, world premiere.)

51 MONTY STEALS CHRISTMAS(2016, collective creation, world premiere.)

52 DOGBARKED by James O'Shea, (2017)

53 FARMER JOE AND THE MONEY TREES (December 2017, remount of original collective creation from 2005)

54 LIFE AFTER HOCKEY by Ken Brown (February 2018- remount of our 1998 favourite)

55 BLOW WIND by Daniel Mcdonald (May 2018. World premiere- developed and commissioned by DST)

56 JACK AND THE SNOW QUEEN (Dec 2018. Collective creation, World premiere)

57 WITH GLOWING HEARTS by Jennifer Wynne Webber (May 2019)

58 THE FOURTH WISEMAN (December 2019 Collective Creation)

59 FIRESIDE STORIES (September 2020, Storytelling, Amphitheatre, also performed at Shakespeare on the Saskatchewan)

60 FIRESIDE STORIES 2 (May 2021, Storytelling, Amphitheatre)

61 PANDEMICS PRATFALLS AND PRAYERS (September 2021, Collective Creation, World Premiere, Amphitheatre)

62 JONAS AND BARRY IN THE HOME by Norm Foster (May 2022)

63 JACK AND THE END OF THE WORLD (December 2023, Collective Creation, World Premiere)

64 THE CURST by Kelley Jo Burke (May 2023)

65 BABA'S MAGIC MITTEN (December 2023, Collective Creation, World Premiere)

66 GREENSLEEP by Kelley Jo Burke (May 2024, World Premiere)



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