Jonas and Barry in the Home
The Characters
Barry Butterfield - Kent Allen
Jonas Ainsworth - Blaine Hart
Rosie Voight - Abbey Thiessen
Jonas and Barry in the Home was first produced by the Theatre Orangeville in Orangeville, ON in 2015.
Jonas and Barry in the Home is staged by arrangement with Pam Winter, GGA,
Jonas and Barry in the Home
by Norm Foster
Well, it’s been a while! Welcome back. It’s been two long years since we last gathered inside our beautiful theatre space to share stories together and it feels amazing to be here again.
The last two years have certainly been strange for all of us, but the crew here at Dancing Sky have been very busy. We had a wonderful time creating our new outdoor amphitheatre space and exploring its’ performance potential with three original events. We hope to be bringing you more outdoor creations in the near future. We have also spent a great deal of our time and energy renovating our historical indoor space. As you will see, our dining room has been expanded to give our patrons more space, and we have finished a wonderful new trailer space to house the artists that we work with. We hope that you enjoy the improvements.
We are making every effort to keep you safe in these challenging times and we hope that you will all take care of each other as we gather in the theatre for the first time. Please be careful and be respectful of each other’ comfort levels and safety concerns.
To celebrate our return to regular productions we have chosen Jonas and Barry in the Home, by Canada’s most produced playwright Norm Foster. We felt that what we all needed most right now was a really good laugh together and this play is full of those. Much of its subject matter also resonates loudly in my life at the moment. We welcome back two old friends Kent Allen and Blaine Hart, and two wonderful young emerging Saskatchewan theatre artists Abbey Thiessen and Katie Blackburn-Dust. It has been an absolute joy to be back in the rehearsal room with these artists and to be creating again. We hope that you have as much fun watching the show as we have had making it.
Angus Ferguson
There will be a 15 minute intermission
DST would like to thank:
Leon Doepker and the Crew at Rona Humboldt for helping out with set materials and the patio set
Louisa Ferguson for the image, poster and postcard design
Travis McKenzie for the set build and continued support
Jensine Emeline for lighting set up and design
Beverley Kobelsky for assisting with costumes
Karl Beauchamp for being the best volunteer ever