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We need a new roof over our heads
Dancing Sky has a thing for old, interesting buildings. Some of you may know we have two in Meacham, our main theatre "Harvest Hall" and our "workshop". The Workshop is a very old church that we use to build and store set pieces, large props and things a theatre collects over the years. Having items available to be used and reused in theatre has an enormous impact on our budget and the environment. We have started to fix up this space last summer with a coat of paint and now a new roof. If you have built anything in the past couple years you know that it is not cheap.
Dancing Sky Theatre is hoping to fund raise $30,000 for this project. That is where you come in. We need you to donate to our roof fund. Dancing Sky Theatre is a registered charity which means you get a tax receipt.
To Donate to this Campaign
Click the Donate Now button
Send an e-transfer to info@dancingskytheatre.com
or mail Dancing Sky Theatre a cheque at
Box 69
Meacham, SK, Canada
S0K 2V0
We thank you for all of your help in keeping the roof over our heads!