2024-2025 Season

Box Office services:
On The Boards
​​​Paper Wheat
by 25th Street Theatre
April 25-May 11, 2025
PAPER WHEAT is the collective creation of a group of artists brought together by 25th Street Theatre in 1977. The first performance was at the Memorial Hall in Sintaluta, Saskatchewan.
PAPER WHEAT is staged by arrangement with 25th Street Theatre.
Way back in 1977 an enthusiastic group of young Saskatchewan theatre artists, working at 25th Street Theatre, went out into rural communities to do research. They ended up creating PAPER
WHEAT, which explored the stories of the early homesteaders in our province and the creation of the once-mighty, farmer owned, Saskatchewan Wheat Pool. It was, perhaps, the first truly
Saskatchewan theatre – created collectively, telling our own stories, in our own language, and presented in a simple, down to earth, make-do-with-what-you-have kind of aesthetic.
It took the country by storm and put us on the theatrical map. It also had a huge influence on me and my generation of Saskatchewan theatre artists.
30 years ago Dancing Sky Theatre inherited the mantle of that kind of work – new Saskatchewan plays, rooted in rural culture, telling our own stories in our own way.
We are now beyond excited to go back and re-visit the play that started it all, in our own inimitable way.
Come and celebrate and reflect with us as Dancing Sky re-visits and re-creates the one and only,
Join us on Instagram

A Bottle of Wine and Patsy Cline
Nostalgic and Powerful
A Tribute to the Iconic Patsy Cline
June 6 & 8, 2025
A Bottle of Wine and Patsy Cline is a powerful and moving musical tribute to one of the most influential country music artists of the 20th century. As one of the first country singers to cross-over from country to pop, Patsy Cline appeals to a broad audience. A Bottle of Wine and Patsy Cline will take you from her honky-tonk and rockabilly roots, to her cross-over pop hits. Although most people are familiar with the top hits Walkin’ After Midnight, Crazy, and I Fall to Pieces, Patsy Cline’s repertoire offers so much more, as shown in this outstanding tribute to her talent. Warm and heartfelt, Patsy Cline’s unforgettable vocals are beautifully showcased by Saskatoon vocalist Pat Mitchell, accompanied by four of the most talented musicians in Saskatchewan. A performer for all audiences, Pat Mitchell inspires as an entertainer and has been sharing her warmth and exceptional vocal talent with the Saskatoon music scene for years. A
natural on stage, Pat masterfully moves listeners with the emotion she shares with her voice. She has performed at many local venues including the renowned Manhattan Ballroom and the iconic The Bassment. The release of Pat’s debut album **HOME in 2019, reflects a deeply personal journey for Pat and a dedication to expression through her voice. This passion continues in her outstanding performance in A Bottle of Wine and Patsy Cline.
“It is my absolute delight to be performing the songs of Patsy Cline, an incomparable legend in music. The honour of this is only made greater by the talented musicians playing alongside me. We’ve all had some heartache in our lives. Patsy speaks to us all in this show.” ~Pat Mitchell.
Pat is joined by fellow bandmates Sheldon Corbett on keyboard, saxophone, and background vocals, Bruce Wilkinson on bass and background vocals, Tom Chunick on guitar and background vocals, and Glenn Ens on drums. Patsy Cline, known for her emotional performances, is artfully portrayed by Pat Mitchell and her bandmates. A Bottle of Wine and Patsy Cline will leave you knowing and loving this iconic legend. Not to be missed!
50/50 Raffle Draw December 22/2024
Lottery Licence #SR24-4335
Didukh Raffle Draw
December 22, 2024
Congratulations Charmaine!
Lottery Licence #SR24-4363
Dancing Sky Theatre is proud and honored to be making art on the great plains of North
America, also called Turtle Island and many other names. We strive to reflect rural realities in
an urban-centric culture. We recognize that we share this landscape with various indigenous
peoples (many signees to Treaty #6), members of The Metis Nation, several generations of
settlers, as well as new immigrants to these lands. We also seek to share the space with the
more than human world, both indigenous and immigrant. We aim to respect, and work in
harmony and balance with all the diversity of life that surrounds us.

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